90% of goods are transported by sea, new maritime routes are opening up and pirate ships and illegal vessels are ever- present…
All a ship has to do is to cut its embedded active beacon (automatic identification system, for example) to vanish from the surveillance screens!
Unseenlabs’ innovative electromagnetic technology enables it to track any vessel, anywhere and at any time – even when other systems can’t.
Only unseenlabs is able to pick up key information with unrivalled reliability at this level of precision.
Many customers, including insurance companies, industrial groups and governments already trust our technology.
The ability to locate and monitor vessels is essential in the fight against pollution and illegal traffic and contributes to the safety in our oceans.
Unseenlabs Data Features
- Acquirable for any location, at all times, day or night, and in all weather.
- Unrivalled technical and geographical precision.
- Tamper-proof.
- Easily merged with complementary technologies made data.
- Light and interpretable, enabling near real-time processing and delivery.
- Unrivaled coverage.
Unseenlabs operates a unique satellite-based technology to identify, recognize and track a broad range of radio emitters and collects & processes proprietary data for maritime surveillance.

A space-proven technology
A new space-based radio frequency (rf) detection system, developed entirely in-house (hardware and software), to detect and characterize with unmatched accuracy and in near real-time the passive electromagnetic signature of any ship (cooperative or not), anytime (day or night), anywhere on the globe, regardless of weather conditions.
Our rf technology produces a new type of data that supplements and synergizes with current technologies (ais, sar, optical) to bring vessel monitoring and tracking to a whole new level of precision.